A barge carrying rescued suspected asylum seekers.AFP

When activists rappelled down the front of Australia’s parliament to protest the country’s harsh refugee policy, then stood ankle-deep in a moat they had dyed blood red, Senator James McGrath from Queensland, one of the top ministers in the government, called them a selfish “bunch of grubs.”

The protesters unfurled a banner, “Close the bloody camps now. #Justice4Refugees,” a reference to the outsourced camps set up in nearby nations for those seeking asylum and resettlement in Australia.

The demonstration, the second such protest at Australia’s parliament in two days, drew attention to the country’s controversial “Stop the Boats” policy, which officials say is intended to save lives by discouraging risky refugee voyages on the high seas.

Under the policy, any smugglers’ vessels nearing Australian shores are sent away with tough warnings that no asylum seeker who tries to reach Australia by boat will ever call the country home.

Instead, Australia sends would-be immigrants to offshore camps in Nauru and Manus Island in Papua New Guinea, much as the US used Guantanamo Bay in the 1990s to detain asylum seekers from Haiti. The policy, supported by both major political parties, has succeeded in stopping the influx of boats and sea drownings near Australian shores.

It also has drawn intense criticism from human rights organisations around the world, which have documented cases of abuse, inhumane treatment and neglect among migrants trapped in substandard offshore detention centers under Australia’s take-no-boaters policy.

“Australia’s policy of exiling asylum seekers who arrive by boat is cruel in the extreme,” Anna Neistat, senior director for research at Amnesty International, said in the group’s report on migrants who had been held at Australia’s behest on the Pacific island nation of Nauru — most for at least three years. “Few other countries go to such lengths to deliberately inflict suffering on people seeking safety and freedom.”

Now, amid rising anti-immigrant sentiment in Europe — seen in Britain’s vote to leave the European Union and strong recent showings at the polls in various countries by parties of the far right — some European politicians are expressing interest in the Australian immigration model.

The German Interior Ministry last month floated the idea of a program to intercept asylum seekers by boat and take them to third countries to be processed.

“The elimination of the prospect of reaching the European coast could convince migrants to avoid embarking on the life-threatening and costly journey in the first place. The goal must be to remove the basis for people-smuggling organisations and to save migrants from the life-threatening journey,” a ministry spokeswoman told the Welt am Sonntag newspaper.

Prohibitive costs

In Denmark, Kenneth Kristensen Berth, spokesman on Europe for the right-wing Danish People’s Party, part of the governing coalition, recently came out in support of considering processing camps for refugees outside Denmark’s borders.

Nigel Farage, who helped lead the “Brexit” campaign as leader of the British Independence Party, earlier this year, praised Australia’s policy, and in September, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson called on Europe to turn back asylum seekers’ boats close to where they shove off from Libya to prevent them from reaching Italy. Johnson and others leading the campaign to pull Britain out of the European Union called for an Australian-style immigration policy that opens the door to would-be migrants on a points system based on what they can contribute to the country.

Analysts say it would be difficult for Europe to try to refuse boats loaded with refugees attempting to land on European shores or try to have them shipped elsewhere.

For one thing, turning back people smugglers’ vessels would be illegal in the Mediterranean, after a 2012 ruling in the European Court of Human Rights that found that Italy violated refugees’ rights by returning a vessel with asylum seekers to Libya.

Then there’s the prohibitive cost to run the offshore detention centres. Australia paid private contractors more than $320,000 (Dh1.17 million) per person per year in 2013-14 to run its facilities for refugees and asylum seekers. Last year, the EU considered processing asylum seekers offshore in Egypt or Tunisia, but instead reached a deal with Turkey in March that contained the flow of asylum seekers from Turkey to Europe in return for humanitarian aid to support them.

That deal, however, looks on the brink of collapse, with Turkey threatening to reopen the floodgates, angered over a temporary halt to talks on Turkish EU membership. Europe has begun negotiating with Tunisia in a bid to get similar agreement to slow the flow of asylum seekers from North Africa, many of whom are not fleeing war and thus likely to be rejected as refugees.

Europe saw an influx of at least 1.25 million asylum seekers in 2015, according to an EU briefing paper in April. The International Organisation for Migration said 159,496 migrants had reached Europe by sea this year, and 4,220 had drowned.

Lifetime visa ban

The Australian government last month doubled down on its controversial refugee boats policy, introducing legislation for a lifetime visa ban on asylum seekers being detained on Manus Island or Nauru, regardless of where they eventually settle.

The bill is unlikely to pass, after the opposition announced it would not support it.

It also appears to not have much public support. A poll by the Australia Institute in June found that 63 per cent of respondents oppose the government’s policy of turning away those who have a legitimate case for asylum merely because they arrived by boat.

Australian officials say the policy is an attempt not to block migration but to avoid rewarding those who “jump the queue” ahead of other needy refugees who follow legal procedures and apply for asylum through the United Nations.

Australia ranks third behind the US and Canada in admissions of refugees through the UN High Commissioner for Refugees


source : gulfnews