Daesh hacks Vincent government

The official website of St. Vincent and Grenadines has been hacked by supporters of the Islamic State, according to reports on Monday.

The website's front page was changed and showed a picture of a man firing a machine gun from the back of a pick-up truck.

Hackers claimed themselves as "Moroccan Wolf -- Islamic State" and left a message that "the U.S. and NATO forces are involved in organized butchery of human race."

"They overthrow governments of sovereign nations and they undermine, threaten, refuse to recognize and seek to destroy democratically elected governments like there are in Syria, Iraq, Gaza, Palestine," the message said. "You speak of freedom of speech and freedom of expression but you remain silent in the face of a people desire to seek freedom to exist," the message further read.

The cyber-attack occurred on Sunday night and the website was later shut down.

No official response has been given by the twin-island nation. Local experts worry that government emails and sensitive information exchanged through the website may have fallen into the hands of attackers.