Donald Trump has named Steve Bannon as his “chief strategist and senior counselor”

Donald Trump has named Reince Priebus as his White House chief of staff, rewarding a loyalist to his party and its long-serving chairman by making him his top aide in the Oval Office. But he also named Steve Bannon, the head of his campaign and of the far-right website Breitbart, as his “chief strategist and senior counselor”. The statement announcing Trump’s decision named Bannon first, despite the vague title of his role. It said he and Priebus would work as “equal partners”.


#WhiteSupremacy - This hashtag was trending on social media since Bannon is considered an influential figure in the alt-right movement, a group of people in the US, with far right ideologies who reject mainstream conservatism and oppose immigration, multiculturalism and political correctness. Not many are happy about this.


Jeffery M. Cook: “You knew what you were getting when YOU voted for him, he never tried to hide it. You should have voted if you decided to “sit this one out” you are to blame for this shit. #DonaldTrump recently named prominent #whitenationalist #StephenBannon, his former campaign-chief, “chief strategist and senior counselor” of his White House team. The appointment represents an infiltration of #whitesupremacism into the highest levels of government that has not been seen since the pre-#civilrights era. Despite Trump’s constant fantasies of #collusion between the “#mainstreammedia” and #theDemocraticParty, Bannon, who has been an integral part of Trump’s team all along, is the head of the #farright news site #Breitbart. Even worse than Trump’s co-optation of the fourth estate, however, is the #character of the man he chose to do so. Bannon’s Breitbart has become, in his own words, “the platform for the #altright,” the movement of far-right online #whitesupremacy that has gained so much attention this campaign.”


Paula Barnett: “We must stop allowing our work and history to be appropriated and buried under #Whitesupremacy. You can’t change the “a” to an “e” and call it yours. #StopEraceIsm.”


Tamra Woodward: “I awoke from a cat nap to discover that Trump has appointed Steve Bannon as his chief strategist in his cabinet. As my heart slipped into the pit of my stomach, the quote from the great Maya Angelou began running through my mind in her commanding yet soothing voice - .When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time’. I felt vindicated for my months of trying to explain the danger of electing this man. But, more than that, I felt an increased sense of urgency, fear, & sadness. There was also the profound realization that so many still don’t understand the clear & present danger that we face as a nation with Trump at the helm. Steve Bannon is indisputably the champion of a movement known as the ‘alt-right’. Just the name of that movement sends a chill down my spine.”

Eleanore Fernandez: “People are getting hurt... #NotMyPresident #YouAreNotMyPresident #NeverTrump. Yes, this happened. All POC(people of colour) have become targets to overt racists and their sympathisers.

Just one of many countless reminders your vote for #Trump has real life consequences for POC. POC you went to school with, work with, socialise with, live next to, and dare to call your friends. Some of you even have us in your families. Yet, you were unable to see the human cost.”


Martha Lott: “I took two days off to ‘process’ the election and realise how scared people are of US and ask why? I came to the conclusion that I don’t CARE why. I’m not changing, I’ve never mistreated anybody and I’m not letting anybody mistreat me. I am looking side eyed at some in the future though as there had to be some that grin in my face and apparently feel I’m inferior and to them I say keep hating as you see how we rise from yet another futile attempt to STOP EQUALITY. Fighting for centuries and stop now? Nah.” ߒ?ߑ?ߒ?ߏ?


Joelle Driver: “#whitesupremacist #fascist is what we have here now in America.”


Danielle Withers: “#DonaldTrump has appointed #SteveBannon, a white supremacist, to be his chief strategist. Don’t be afraid... but we HAVE to pray, guys.... this is REAL LIFE. Educate yourselves. Remain calm. Trust God. #AltRight #ISNOTRight”


Lenny Jacobson: “That ‘open mindedness’ and ‘patience’ that we should give a Trump presidency is becoming difficult after five days. #Bannon #WhiteSupremacist. This is unacceptable.”

source : gulfnews