BBC Entertainment aims to woo Indian audiences with 100 hours of fresh content this summer. To be housed under the 'London Calling' umbrella, the content, packaged into a season, will be aired from 19 May, targeting the 25+ SEC A and B audiences across India. With an aim to feature programmes showcasing the spirit of London, the line up will include royal documentaries (The House of Windsor: A Royal Dynasty, The Diamond Queen, The Queen's Palaces, Monarchy: Royal Family at Work), The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Celebrations (Thames Pageant -live, concert -live, services of thanksgiving and royal procession - live) and a highlight of the events. It will also include programmes such as London Stories: The Underground, and Timewatch: Crowning a Queen. Fictional programming will include Sherlock (Series 2), Luther, Spooks, Whitechapel and a mockumentary based on the Olympics: Twenty Twelve (series 1 & 2). BBC Entertainment has L'Oreal as the associate sponsor for the London Calling season, and aims to get six or seven more sponsors on board. As part of the marketing campaign, the channel will initiate the promotions across digital platforms first, with the launch of a microsite and a game that has been created especially for London Calling. This game will be launched across the BBC Worldwide network and across nine regions. Following this, the campaign will be targeted to particular shows such as Sherlock and Twenty Twelve.