School students injured by Israeli Police

Three Palestinian school students were injured yesterday Wednesday by the Israeli police in the Old City of Jerusalem, as reported by their school principal.
Munther Al-Natsheh, principal of the Islamic Orphanage Secondary School, told Ma’an News Agency that two students were hit inside their classrooms, while the third was in the school yard drinking water.
Muhammad Al-Natsheh was hit in the shoulder, Muhammad Abu Leil in the stomach and Rida Hirbawi in the head, said the principal. The three injured students were taken to hospital for treatment.
Al Natsheh strongly condemned the Israeli constant targeting of the school. He pointed out “the police had even threatened to close the school because of alleged rock-throwing by the students.”
It is noteworthy that 15 Palestinian worshippers were injured earlier that Wednesday morning, due to the Israeli attack on Al-Aqsa mosue in the Old City of Jerusalem.