The average life expectancy in Australia has reached the 82-year level for the first time, reflecting record low death rates, according to latest figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) on Thursday. The latest data showed that while there were 147,098 deaths registered in Australia, the standardized death rate fell to 5.5 deaths per 1,000 people, the lowest rate ever recorded. And the infant mortality rate also reached a record low of 3.3 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2012, down from 3.8 in 2011. According to the data, an Australian boy born today could expect to live 79.9 years, while a girl could expect to live 84.3 years. And the combined male and female figure rose by more than half a year in 2012 to exactly 82. According to ABS Director of Demography Bjorn Jarvis, Australia 's life expectancy at birth continues to be amongst the highest in the world. The combined male and female figure of 82 years, while a little lower than Japan and Hong Kong, is higher than Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the United States. "For those approaching retirement age, say 65 years, males could expect to live a further 19 years and females a further 22 years," Jarvis said. He also said those figures are higher than the average life expectancy as 65-year-olds have already lived the majority of their lives and the older people get, the higher the probability they'll live past 82. In addition, according to the figures, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) leads the way overall with life expectancy at birth 81.2 years for males and 85.1 years for females but Victoria was next with males expected to live to 80.5 years and females 84. 5 years. The Northern Territory had the lowest life expectancy with males expected to live to 74.7 years and females 80.0 years, which is roughly five years behind the rest of the nation.