Dr Hashem Abdulwahab

The Department of Curricula in the Ministry of Education in association with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB), held a workshop on the compilation of Teacher's Directory titled: "Introduction: Banking and Financial Operations - Bank211".
The book will be made available by the Ministry of Education for use of 30 teachers of commercial sciences at the Department's offices.
The workshop was implemented by the co-authors of Bank211 Book's new edition: 1- UNESCO's expert Dr. Hashem Abdulwahab and 2- the Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB)'s Director of Retail Banking Sector's Monitoring Department, Hassan Yaqoub
The workshop included various educational activities such as preparation of participant teachers according to the required timetable for implementation of the Directory's fourteen chapters, in addition to preparation of booster activities, practical cases, model tests and compilation of the Directory's paperwork.