Chinese ministry of higher education

A delegation from the Chinese Ministry of Higher Education on Saturday visited the German Jordanian University (GJU) to acquaint itself with its academic and scientific experiences.
GJU president Natheer Abu Obeid told the delegation that the university's establishment was modeled on the experience of German applied universities in order to introduce a new approach of applied education, noting that the GJU is a cultural bridge between Jordan and Europe via Germany.
Obeid briefed the delegation on GJU's programs, majors as well as systems that comprise financial and administrative matters in addition to training courses that undergraduate students take in Germany.
Speaking during the meeting, the Chinese cultural counselor in Amman praised the advanced level achieved by the GJU and its interest in industrial and technological spheres, noting his country's Higher Education Ministry's initiative to set up a university in Jordan that would help in further enhancing Sino-Jordanian ties.
The visit is the third of its kind to the GJU by Chinese officials in the field of studies and research as the Chinese Higher education Ministry is implementing such programmes.