Govt committed to promote education

Federal Minister for Education and Professional Training Engr. Muhammad Baligh-Ur-Rehman on Thursday said the government is committed to promote education in the country and improve standard of education including girls primary education.
He was attending as chief guest ceremony of agreement signing between
UNESCO and the government of Italy to implement a two-year project titled
“Support to girls right to education and safeguarding cultural heritage
through education in Pakistan”.
Addressing the participants, he said that we have phenomenally
increased funding for education sector. Girls Right to Education Programme
was joint initiative of government of Pakistan and UNESCO which is aimed
at to promote girls access and retention to education.
Balig-Ur-Rehman said that the programme is not only targeting girls
education but also covering cultural aspects in districts Bahawalpur and
He said that our net enrolment has increased and the government is
committed to end gender gap regarding enrolment between girls and boys
in Pakistan.
The Federal Minister said that UNESCO is doing great job and this
programme would yield good results.
Later the agreement of approximately USD 1.7 million was signed by
Italian Ambassador to Pakistan Stefano Pontecorvo , Ms. Santa Mole, Head of
Italian Cooperation and Ms. Vibeke Jensen, UNESCO Representative.
The project has two components, the first one on Education which aims
to support the efforts of Government of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in increasing access, retention and improving the quality of girls education. Districts Bahawalpur and Swat are the focus districts.
The second component of the project is aimed at supporting the efforts
of the government of Pakistan in protection of cultural heritage.

Source: APP