Iranian researchers from Bu-Ali Sina University succeeded in the production of selective electrochemical sensor to detect and measure tramadol medicine. The sensor was made of carbon paste electrode modified with coated magnetic nanoparticles, and it can be used in medical industries to detect the consumption of medicine and also in the laboratorial and clinical detection of various types of drugs. Tramadol is a kind of medicine that is used to reduce various types of pains. In order to obtain their objective, the researchers used magnetic nanoparticles coated with a thin layer of molecular cast polymer in the production of the desired sensor. Taking into consideration their high ratio of area to volume, the nanoparticles increase the sensitivity of the sensor to low concentrations of medicine. Dr. Abbas Afkhami, member of the Scientific Board of Bu-Ali Sina University, elaborated on the scientific work, and stated, “In this research, carbon paste electrode was produced by using synthesized nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes after synthesizing magnetic nanoparticles coated with synthetic molecular cast polymer. Next, the ability of the produced sensor was investigated in the detection and measurement of very small amounts of medicine in human urinate sample and in medical products.” “Very small amounts of tramadol were successfully detected and measured in the presence of a wide range of potential disturbing materials in various biological samples and medical products. Therefore, the consumption of drugs can be detected by using the produced sensor by analyzing urinate samples taken from suspicious people,” Dr. Afkhami continued. Results of the research have been published in June 2013 in Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 44, pp. 34-40.