Sisi: Exam leaks would not be repeated; Thanawya Aama system reconsidered

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi asserted on Wednesday that recent leaks of Thanaweya Aama (high school) exams would not be repeated.

Addressing an Iftar banquet, Sisi said the state is reconsidering the whole secondary education system.

The consultant education council is currently drawing up a new system to take into consideration international standards.

A new strategy for education, in general, and Thanaweya Aama, in particular, will be offered by the council in September.

The president noted that exam leaks caused suffering to the students and their families.

"Thanaweya Aama should no longer be a burden on the shoulder of Egyptian families as now and in the past years," Sisi said.

For the importance of the issue, it was mulled at a recent meeting of the national defense council to take into consideration all measures pertaining to exams, he said.

He said a decision to postpone the exams was meant to achieve equality and justice for students who studied hard.

The president asked Egyptian families to be assured that no more leaks will be happened.