Soummam school ship

The “Soummam” school ship docked, Wednesday, the French harbour of Toulon, the last stage of the education campaign “Summer 2014,” after Kiel, Brest, Oran, Barcelona, Annaba, and Genoa, said the ministry of National Defence in a communiqué.
It was welcomed by Algeria’s defence attaché in France, accompanied by the naval attaché and members of the Algerian community in Toulon, added the source.
A courtesy visit was made by the commander of the ship to civil and military authorities of Toulon said the communiqué.
During this three-day stop-over, the school ship will represent the Algerian naval forces in the commemoration festivities of the 72nd anniversary of the landing of allied troops in France, added the Defence ministry in the statement.
A cultural, touristic and sports programme was established for the cadets and the crew members of the school ship.