A French manager was awarded three-year jail by the Dubai Criminal Court of First Instance for attempting for killing his girlfriend by running car over her. AI, 43, was sentenced in absentia. According to the records, AI ran over his beloved LKJ, 35, Norwegian, partner, who decided to break relationship with him and caused her 100 per cent permanent disability after severe surgeries. The victim testified that she was in love relationship with the accused since March 2007 and she knows that he was married. “He told me that he will divorce his wife. Later I found out that he would not divorce his wife so I asked him to either choose me or his current wife. He tried to meet me several times and agreed to discuss the matter; we met for a dinner on September 15, 2009. We had a strong argument about the future of our relationship and at around 12 midnight he decided to drop me home. As we reached my house, another argument broke out during which I told him you are the looser. As he realised that I am breaking up the relationship he left his seat and rushed to my side and pulled me out of the car to the street, hurting my shoulder badly. He rushed again to his seat and drove his car back and hit me. I fell and he ran over my legs. He tried to repeat that but I escaped and managed to drag myself out of his way. I called the police and informed them about the incident; police called him but he hung up the phone before switching off his mobile,” she testified. The records show that the victim underwent surgeries and therapies for two years after the incident. But all these efforts to enable her to stand on her feet failed and she remained crippled with limited movement in her right shoulder in addition to serious nervous and psychological problems.