Women! Who can figure them out. While some are big on hefty paychecks and flat abs, some are looking for more than what meets the eye. Here is the extra something they are terribly, terribly attracted to. Gray hair In today's time and age, there are many men who like to colour their hair black. But why should they when natural graying is so attractive to women. Men, please make a note, grey hair makes you look charming, suave and experienced. If you need further proof that it is the new black, a survey by Match.com found that a whopping 72 per cent of women think gray hair is hot! Sweat Sweat can be oh-so sexy! I remember seeing a concert of Bruce Springsteen many years ago and when he finished his performance, he shook his head so vigorously that all one could see was sweat on the screen. I got goose bumps just looking at him and have yet to come across a man who has looked as sexy while sweating so profusely. Blame it on androstadienone as researchers at the University of California at Berkeley have found that this chemical in male sweat causes women's hormone levels and sexual arousal to hit the ceiling. But please don't throw away all your antiperspirants, discretion is recommended! Scar If you have scar anywhere on your body, am certain, at least one woman has asked you for the story behind it. The reason being - women love mystery and the more dangerous it is, the better as they liken it to manliness, which is always sexy. However, refrain from telling her about the silly little scar on your forehead as she won't be impressed by your drunken- fall-in-the-garden tale. House plants A man who takes care of plants and is conscious of his environment is an instant hit with women. It takes a patient, affectionate man to grow healthy plants and that he has a nurturing spirit. Experts say that if you can take care of your garden for only 30 minutes a week, it can improve your health and performance in bed. Eyeglasses Times sure are changing - as now it's time for the bespectacled fella' to take centre stage in a woman's life. Women are more attracted to men who wear glasses than those who don't as they appear intelligent. And, if a man is intelligentit means he'll more likely to make a witty conversation and appear mature.