A 35-year-old Dutch man allegedly linked to Canadian Amanda Todd, 15, who killed herself in 2012 after nearly two years of online bullying, appeared in court Wednesday. The man, whose name wasn't reported, was arrested in January. Canadian police confirmed his link to Amanda, Dutch newspaper Omroep Brabant, reported. The man's lawyer said there wasn't a lot of evidence, but confirmed his client's arrest was concerning a webcam video of a 15-year-old girl in British Columbia. Amanda's mother, Carol Todd, said she didn't know much more about the man than the article she read in the Dutch newspaper. "It's a really vague article. I don't know any more than what is in that paper," she said. Amanda killed herself in October 2012 after nearly two years of online bullying. She made a YouTube video detailing her story, how she flashed a crowd of webcam viewers during a chat and the photo was later used by an unknown person to blackmail her into exposing herself further. She said she changed school three times, began using drugs and alcohol, began cutting herself and even attempted to kill herself by drinking bleach. Despite changing schools, she was still taunted by classmates who saw the photos and the person attempting to blackmail her. Amanda killed herself one month after posting the video of her story. Carol Todd said police were notified each time her daughter received threats or taunts, but investigators "never dug deep enough."