A former world champion arm-wrestler was charged with manslaughter after his wife jumped out the window of their Douglas, Mass. home, police say. Allen M. Stilkey, 40, is being held without bail on charges of manslaughter, assault and battery and threatening to commit a crime in connection with the death of his wife, Lisa Stilkey, 44. Allen has pleaded not guilty. Lisa allegedly threw a pillow out of the second story of their home and jumped around midnight Friday, the Boston Herald reported. She was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead on arrival. Back at the house, Allen allegedly barricaded himself in, refusing to let police enter, the newspaper said. The Herald reported witnesses said \"Allen Stilkey was threatening to kill her,\" and said Allen \"had been beating and choking her for several months.\" Prosecutors say he recently secured a $250,000 life insurance policy on his wife. Allen Stilkey won Arm Wrestler of the Year from the International Arm Wrestling Federation in 1995.