Two Australian women have died in a road accident while holidaying in Namibia in southern Africa. Brisbane nurse Sarah Penberthy, 22, and her friend, Gold Coast veterinarian Jarrah Young, 26, were killed after the overland truck they were travelling in swerved and rolled near Usakos about midday on Wednesday (local time). Jarrah\'s brother Joel Young was also on the tour bus when it crashed. He was thrown 35 metres from the vehicle, but survived with bad cuts to his leg and feet. He was taken to a local hospital and has since been discharged. He will arrive back in Australia on Monday. Two other Australians and several other tourists also sustained minor injuries in the crash. Police are still investigating how the bus, which was being driven by an Australian, crashed. No other vehicles were involved in the accident. The tour group were travelling from Malawi to Cape Town with UK company African Trails. \'Very numb and emotional\' Ms Young, who died instantly in the accident, had been working in Kenya as a vet for the past year. Her mother, Andrea Harris, wants Jarrah to be remembered as a \"sunny, focused and driven girl\". \"She was very content with herself, very ethical,\" Ms Harris, who lives on the Gold Coast, told ABC News Online. \"We\'re oscillating between being very numb and emotional at the moment. We\'re all very, very sad.\" Ms Harris learned of the fatal crash when her son called from the hospital in the early hours of the morning. \"He had the worst job anyone could have,\" she said. \"I\'m very much looking to seeing him.\" In October, Ms Harris, her husband Peter Young and other family members met up with Jarrah - who grew up on the Gold Coast but later moved to Brisbane for university - to tour East Africa for six weeks. Ms Harris says she is so blessed she had that time with her daughter. \"She organised a beautiful trip for us. It was so nice we had that time together,\" she said. \"Life is short, and it\'s there to be lived. I\'m so pleased Jarrah lived it to the full, and in a way that gave back to society, not in a frivolous way.\"