A proposed law before the Belgium Parliament could legalize the euthanasia of terminally ill children in intolerable pain. Euthanasia became legal in Belgium in 2002 for those in "constant and unbearable physical or mental suffering that cannot be alleviated," though minors were excluded. The new bill, scheduled to come up for a vote Thursday, would give those less than 19 years of age the right to die under certain conditions, including that the child is able to understand what euthanasia means, CNN reported. Linda van Roy said she wished euthanasia was an option for her 10-month-old daughter, who died under heavy sedation and in pain at 10 months old from Krabbe disease. Her daughter, Ella-Louise, wouldn't have qualified for euthanasia under the conditions set by the measure, but van Roy said she still supports the legislation. "We want for those [older] children to be able to talk about euthanasia and to ask those questions and if they really want to say, 'Stop. This is it. I don't want it any more,' that they can have a choice," she said. Palliative care nurse Sonja Develter said she worries children can't understand the consequences of euthanasia and fears they would make the decision based on what they think their families want to hear.