Twice as many British people support a ban on women wearing a burqa than oppose one, with a majority also in

Twice as many British people support a ban on women wearing a burqa than oppose one, with a majority also in favour of outlawing the burkini, according to a poll published on Thursday (Sept 1).

Some 57 per cent of the 1,668 adults polled by YouGov said they supported "a law that bans people from wearing the burqa in the UK", with 36 per cent "strongly supporting" the ban compared with only 10 per cent who were "strongly opposed". Some 46 percent of British people would support a similar ban on the burkini, against 30 per cent who were opposed, with 18 per cent neither for or against. Support for the ban on the burqa, worn by women in some Islamic traditions to hide the body and face, was uniform across supporters of all political parties, although strongest among Conservative and UK Independence Party backers. The only demographics to oppose the ban were 18 to 24 year-olds - by a margin of 6 per cent - and those who voted to remain in the European Union, but only by a margin of 3 per cent. The ban was also supported across the regions, with 51 per cent of Londoners and 63 per cent of northerners in favour. A similar YouGov survey in Germany found 62 per cent in support of a burqa ban, but another in the United States found that 59 per cent believed "people should be allowed to decide for themselves what to wear

Source: NNA