A British girl of Pakistani origin was kidnapped in Pakistan\'s eastern city of Lahore, said local police on Sunday night. Police sources said that the kidnapped was a 20-year-old girl named Aisha Ali. She came to Lahore to attend a wedding ceremony and was kidnapped at the Liberty Market area in the city. The abductee came to Lahore a couple of days ago after she stayed with her relatives in Kashmir, said police. However, the police failed to mention when the kidnapping happened. The police have filed a report about the case. Other details about the incident are not immediately available. Sunday\'s report about the kidnapped British girl is the fourth of its kind in the country since this year. In January this year, three cases about kidnapping foreigners were reported in the country. On January 5, a British national of Yemeni origin working for International Committee of the Red Cross Pakistan was kidnapped by Pakistan Taliban and his body was later found in the city on April 29. On January 20, a German aged 70 and an Italian aged 24 were abducted in Pakistan\'s central city of Multan. They were working for a NGO for the help of the flood-affected people in Punjab province. There is no news about their whereabouts now. Two days after, a Kenyan working for an international charity organization \"Care International\" was kidnapped in the country\'s southern Sindh province while he was helping the flood-hit people there. His whereabouts is also not known until now. Foreigners in Pakistan are often targeted by kidnappers for ransom. Few of the abductees can survive after being kidnapped.