A towering pine tree fell following northern California\'s weekend snowstorm, landing on a house and killing an 8-year-old girl inside, authorities said. Hailey Verzani\'s body was found in her bedroom in her family\'s Arnold residence about 6:30 a.m. Sunday, pinned between the 100-foot-tall tree and her bed, KTXL-TV, Sacramento, reported. \"The whole house is torn up. It\'s awful,\" said a cousin, Kim Christopher. Ebbetts Pass District Fire Chief Dave Baugher said firefighters had to use rescue equipment to secure the tree before being able to remove the child\'s body. The third-grader\'s mother, Lindsey Jacoby, and her mother\'s boyfriend escaped without serious injuries. Relatives said they had noticed the big tree was leaning and could fall, but since it was on a neighbor\'s property they didn\'t know what to do about it. \"We just didn\'t know it was going to fall on her like that,\" Christopher said.