Canadian entrepreneur says he thinks women in Saint John, New Brunswick, would take to taxis with female drivers, particularly Muslim customers. Dave Barnes told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. he was doing market research in the city based on reported successes in Europe in which some female drivers would only accept female passengers. The city has a metropolitan population of about 122,000 and Barnes said he believes it would support as many as six female-only taxis based on what women have told him. \"They\'ve all had stories about getting into taxis and having an, \'Oh my God\' moment as soon as they close the door,\" he said, adding he wasn\'t being disrespectful to all male drivers. \"But there are guys out there that probably shouldn\'t be behind the wheel,\" Barnes told the CBC. He said his research shows in undisclosed European cities with growing Muslim populations, as in Saint John, the concept was being well received. \"I think that\'s a target market for me here,\" he said. It wasn\'t immediately clear if Canada\'s Charter of Rights and Freedoms would permit such female-only service.