French President Nicolas Sarkozy's wife Carla Bruni told a magazine "you don't make a baby by asking yourself questions" when asked about giving birth during a time of financial and political crisis. The supermodel turned singer is due to give birth any day now, aged 42, just seven months before her husband is to face a difficult re-election battle and with the eurozone economies gripped by a debt crisis. Bruni told Madame Figaro -- a glossy magazine produced by a newspaper loyal to her husband's government -- that a baby's arrival happens as "a happy carefree moment and that's how it's been since the dawn of time." "We're in a time of crisis but if human reproduction was decided by thinking about whether you're going to have a perfect life, we wouldn't be here to talk about it, neither you nor I," the model-turned-singer said. "What's more, I think that the survival instinct is also expressed by the desire to have a child." "Of course, I'll look after the baby, but I don't see that that should stop me working," she said, stressing that she receives a lot of help and does not have a difficult life. "As to the duties related to my husband's job -- and there are not so many -- I do them willingly," she said. Bruni dodged a question about whether Sarkozy would take part in next year's presidential campaign, which the journalist suggested might be "ferocious", saying: "Me, I don't campaign!" "I don't know if my husband will campaign! As to human beings' ferocity, I've know about that since nursery school."