A Chinese foreign ministry’s spokesperson Hua Chunying.

China has rejected a notion that it is trying to establish its own rules and guidelines through the “One Belt and Road Initiative, a Chinese foreign ministry’s spokesperson said on Wednesday.
“The Chinese side adheres to the principle of “discussing, building and sharing” policies to promote “one belt, one road” cooperation.” China has never sought nor will it seek to establish a country-led rule, Hua Chunying told reporters during her regular press briefing held here.
She said, the “Belt and Road Initiative” is intended to promote infrastructure construction and interoperability among countries along the border and to pave the way for national policies and development strategies to achieve common development.
Since the initiative of “One Belt and One Road” has been proposed, we have signed cooperation agreements with 80 countries and organizations through equal consultations, carried out institutionalized capacity cooperation with more than 30 countries, promoted the construction of 75 overseas economic and trade cooperation zones in 24 countries along the route, she added.
Hua Chunying said, Chinese enterprises have invested over 50 billion U.S. dollars in countries along the line and created nearly 200,000 jobs.
These statistics fully demonstrate that the “One Belt and One Road” initiative is based on mutual benefits and win-win results and has enjoyed wide support and welcome from the countries along the world and the international community, she added.
She said, the One Belt and One Road initiative is not about “small circles” nor about any country but is open and inclusive.
“We welcome all parties involved in this initiative and hope that all parties concerned will objectively and rationally view the “One Belt and One Road” project,” she added.
Responding to a question about a role of China and Russia in the peace process between Palestine and Israel, she said, China will host a seminar for the Palestine-Israel peacemakers in Beijing from December 21 to December 22 aimed at providing a platform for both the countries.
Hua Chunying said China will continue to follow the “four-point proposal” proposed by President Xi Jinping in July this year to promote the settlement of the Palestinian issue and continue to push forward the process of political settlement based on the “two-state program,” so as to promote peace, stability and development in the Middle East.
She said, China’s position on the Palestinian issue is consistent, adding, “We have always firmly supported and promoted the Middle East peace process and supported the just cause of the Palestinian people in restoring the legitimate rights of the nation.”
On a question that the United States is pushing the UN Security Council to pass a new resolution involving North Korea and is now in communication with China, she said, as a permanent member of the Security Council, China has always participated in the consultation and coordination within the Security Council on the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula in a responsible and constructive manner.

Source: APP