A Washington state couple with a dog competing in the Westminster Kennel Club dog show in New York said they will wed at the show. Brad Slayton of Seattle said his fiancee, Debbie Parsons, took control of the wedding plans and decided they would marry at Madison Square Garden on Valentine\'s Day after their Tibetan Mastiff, Major, competes in the dog show, The Seattle Times reported Monday. \"Finally, I just said, \'You know, Debbie, you just put it together. Whatever works,\'\" Slayton said. \"So she called me up and said, \'Guess what? I\'ve got this thing all planned for Westminster!\' I go, \'Whoa, whoa, whoa.\' \" However, Slayton said he is now looking forward to sharing the special day with Major. \"We wanted to do something different,\" Parsons said. \"He\'s a major part of our life.\"