Nikki Haley

In a statement on monday at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) annual policy conference in Washington DC, Nikki Haley, US Ambassador to the UN, says that “the days of Israel-bashing are over”.

Haley also stated that the UN is anti-Israel bias and when asked about her role in the UN she proclaimed that she is “not there to play games and what I wanted to make sure of is that the United States started leading again.”

Regarding the Obama administration’s choice to abstain from voting during the December 2016 UN Security Council vote on the anti-Israeli settlement Resolution 2334, Haley said that it was “embarrassing”, “hurtful” and that “it will never happen again.”

During the AIPAC conference, Netanyahu also stated that “Israel has no greater friend than America and America has no greater friend than Israel” and gave his regards and thanks to President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence for their “warm words” and described his meeting in the White House as “exceptionally warm.”

Since Donald Trump became president, Israel has sped up construction of illegal settlements in continuous disregard of UN Resolution 2334.

Source :PNN