Dr. Aisha Yusuf Al-Mannai , member of the Arab Parliament was elected as Vice President Of The Arab Parliament by 30 correct votes in favour out of the 54 votes in the polling conducted before the second regular session of the Arab Parliament of this year, which began its work at the Arab League here on Tuesday. Dr.Aisha Yusuf Al-Mannai , Dean of the Faculty of Sharia Law, University of Qatar and received her doctorate from Al-Azhar University in 1990 and is currently the dean of the Faculty of Sharia Law and islamic studies at the University of Qatar. Dr. Aisha al-Mannai is the first woman to ever hold the position of Dean of Faculty for Law and Islamic Studies (Shariah Law). In this role, she headed the organizing committee of the Third Doha Conference for Religious Dialogue this year. She holds many positions in academic and service organizations. Notably, she is a member of the Board of the Qatari National Counsel for Human Rights, the Red Crescent Society in Qatar, and the Islamic Charity Fund. She is also a consultant to the Academy for Rapprochement among Religious Sects (Iran). She serves on the Transitional Arab Parliament, the Advisory and Executive Committee of the College of Islamic Studies, the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, and the Board of Directors of the (Qatar) National Commission for Human Rights. The Arab Parliament members congratulated Dr. Mannai for winning the post in succession to Nasser Al-Meawali, the representative of the sultanate of Oman who tendered his resignation of his post from the Arab Parliament. For his part, President of the Arab Parliament Ali Salim Al-Diqbasi said Dr. Mannai has much contributed to supporting the relief convoys committee to Gaza and she is one of the founders of the Arab Parliament noting however that she spares no efforts to provide generous support to the Arab Parliament and the joint action related institutions.