Education Minister Dr. Majid bin Ali Al Nuaimi attended, at the Ministry’s Hall in Isa Town, a celebration to mark the Bahrain Women’s Day 2012, themed: “Women and Sports: Will … Achievement … Aspirations.” During the event, attended by a number of the Education Ministry’s officials, Dr. Al Nuaimi honoured a number of women with distinguished sports contributions, including sports movement pioneer at the Ministry and Director of Physical Education, Scouts and Girl Guides Dr. Shaikha Al-Jeeb, distinguished female employees, female teachers who participated at the artistic show held on the occasion and the winners of the writing contest organised by the Bahraini Women’s Day celebrations Committee. On the occasion, the Education Minister extended heart-felt congratulations to Bahraini women, hailing the pivotal role played by the wise leadership and the Supreme Council for Women (SCW) in consolidating their status and enabling them to enjoy all their human and constitutional rights. Dr. Al Nuaimi praised the prominent role of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Wife of His Majesty the King and President of the SCW, to adopt women’s issues and constant follow-up on them, which, he affirmed, has motivated Bahraini women to enhance their participation in various and prove their merit of assuming national and development responsibilities, along with their male compatriots, as effective and equal partners in the kingdom’s sustainable development march. The Minister also asserted that Bahraini women enjoy a leading status in the kingdom’s civilisational project in recognition of their commendable efforts and dedication in various fields, particularly the education one, pointing out that the Education Ministry included women in the students’ vocational Apprenticeship project in order to enable to acquire professional skills required by the labour market, and promoted voluntary work in schools for the aim of increasing their contribution in such a society-serving vital field. Then, Assistant Under-secretary for Private Education and Head of the Bahraini Women’s Day celebrations Committee Wedad Radhi Al-Mosawi delivered a statement in which she praised the wise leadership’s constant support for Bahraini women for the sake of empowering them, out of a strong belief in their role in the nation-building march and a recognition of their status as equal partners in HM the King’s Reform Project. She also hailed women’s distinguished status at the Education Ministry, noting that their access to leadership position positions at the Ministry reflects the latter’s acknowledgement of their key role in the education process and an appreciation of their efforts in ensuring a brighter future for the kingdom.