Video of an assault by a group of girls on another girl was posted on YouTube by a man who said he thought they were playacting, Providence, R.I., police said. The victim\'s mother said the assault was real enough to leave her 12-year-old daughter with two black eyes, bruises and bite marks, CNN reported. All four of the alleged attackers have been charged with conspiracy, two with assault with a deadly weapon and two with simple assault. Holly Gingerella told CNN her daughter has not had previous problems with the other girls -- except for what she described as the usual twists and turns in young friendships. She said the girl she described as the ringleader, after inviting her daughter to a sleepover Friday night, turned on her the next day. \"My daughter said everything turned bad in about 10 minutes,\" Gingerella said. \"She was attacked and they wouldn\'t stop. She got up and ran. Then they attacked her on the pavement. Nobody interfered. Not even the man who videoed it.\" The mother of the girl accused of being the ringleader told WJAR-TV, Providence: \"I love my daughter, too. But my daughter needs help. My daughter has done this too many times. She needs to be punished for this.\" Police said the man has turned over all copies of his video to investigators and will not face charges.