A 55-year-old Texas grandmother and fitness competitor says she has what it takes to be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader and plans to try out for the squad in May. If she makes the squad, Sharon Simmons would be the oldest cheerleader in NFL history, KTVT-TV, Dallas, reported Feb. 28. The current record-holder is 42 years old. \"On stage, I blend right in with women in their 20s, 30s and up,\" Simmons said. She said she got the idea in December when used the Cowboys cheerleader costume as inspiration for a fitness competition. \"I thought, that\'s something I never tried,\" Simmons said. \"I always wanted to try out. I got real close in my early 20s, but got busy raising my daughter. And I thought, why not now?\" The Carrollton woman has been taking dance classes and private lessons to improve her flexibility and learn fast-paced routines. \"I love life. I\'m having a blast. I\'m having a ball,\" Simmons said.