Zuhal Mansfield, head of the Turkish-Egyptian Business Council, has stated women have characteristics and skills like strong communication, intimacy and hyper-criticism required by economy sector in the new world order. Mansfield told AA on Thursday, \"Turkish women ought to be taken out from kitchen and brought into business life. This can only happen if you appreciate women\'s real value.\" Without women\'s participation, Turkey can\'t achieve its plans to become one of the world\'s top 10 economies, said Mansfield. \"We (Turkey) have millions of educated women who have entrepreneurship potential. Imagine what would happen if you let 5 million women join business life after solving their problems. Think the reflections of this potential on economy. We must add the energy of these women to Turkish economy.\" Mansfield asserted that although the men and women go to school together, men can get a job but women return their home at the end of the education, which is unjust. She showed Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan as a good example to this issue. Turkish Premier Erdogan\'s spouse Emine Erdogan and his daughter Sumeyye Erdogan are generally accompanying him in his international visits and national conventions.