Ideal mothers honoured

Chairperson of Kuwait Society for the Ideal Family (KSIF) said the Ideal Mother Award played a great role in promoting social values, family education, tolerance and citizenship.
"The award, being offered by KSIF over the last 12 years, has made outstanding successes thanks to cooperation with Kuwaiti volunteers and a number of competent institutions," Shaikha Fariha Al- Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah told Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) on Tuesday.
She made the comments after a ceremony, held at Dasma Theatre, to honor winners of the Ideal Mother Award 2017.
She noted that a galaxy of ideal mothers from Kuwait and other Arab countries have been honored in recognition of their contributions to the welfare of their respective families and societies.
"The launching of the award was based on the teachings of noble Islam relating to honoring of parents, particularly the selfless, self-sacrificing mothers," Shaikha Fariha added.
The Kuwaiti winners of the award this year are Faiqa Yossuf Abullatif Al-Isa - the top award, Noura Nasser Al-Mubarak - the second, Dalil Al-Rashed - the third, and the Shamim Mohammad Amir Tawfiqi - the fourth.
Khadija Mohammad Jemy, of Morocco, won the ideal expatriate woman award, and Amena Ali Mohammad Al-Omari, of Jordan, won the deal Arab Mother Award, while Noura Ali Jaber, of Qatar, and Sara Ali Jajji Mohammad, of the UAE, shared the ideal Gulf woman award, KUNA reported.

Source: BNA