On the International Women\'s Day 2012, more women than ever before are joining ranks of the world\'s migrants to support their families and improve their economic status. As migrants, they face unique challenges - none more so than the rural women who are the focus of this year\'s IWD. Despite growing gender equality and empowerment of women, rural women, who represent about a quarter of the world\'s population, still suffer from lowest incomes, least education, and less political and social influence than either rural men or urban populations. By definition, they are more vulnerable than other migrant groups, and, therefore, require greater protection from all states committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society. The International Organization of Migration (IOM) calls on Thursday on the international community to Promote safe migration for women in rural areas, including prevention of trafficking in human beings, as well as facilitation of rural women\'s access to reliable legal migration information, identity and travel documents, as well as migration services. In a press release on the occasion of the International Women\'s Day 2012, the IOM calls for promoting a better regulation of the migration of domestic and care workers in countries of origin, as well as promoting protection mechanisms and adequate conditions of employment in the countries of destination. According to the IOM, the international community should promote gender-sensitive pre-departure orientation programmes for future migrants, including those engaged in transnational marriage migration. Furthermore, the world should provide gender-sensitive humanitarian assistance to rural women in emergency settings, including natural disasters, and promote full participation of women in community-based strategies to adapt to climate change and environmental degradation. Moreover, the IOM calls for promoting rural women\'s full enjoyment of their human rights and effective access to redress and justice in case of gender-based violence or exploitation, as well as providing assistance to victims of violence and abuse, including return and reintegration options. Furthermore, there is a need to promote migrant workers\' access to affordable health and social services, including sexual and reproductive health services Also, the international community should provide tailored support to women acting as heads of household as a result of migration and promote support services for the families left behind. At the same time, there is a need to support the economic empowerment of women in rural areas, including through the promotion of schemes building on remittances. According to the IOM, Research and collect data on the situation of rural women and girls, their migration behaviours are required to bolster interstate dialogue and enhance bilateral, regional, interregional and international cooperation to better regulate and protect women migrant workers and promotion of gender-sensitive international migration policies.