James DiMaggio, the man who allegedly kidnapped California teenager Hannah Anderson, left his life insurance to the girl\'s grandmother, a family spokesman said. DiMaggio, 40, left $112,000 to Bernice Anderson, whom he named as his beneficiary in 2011, the Los Angeles Times reported Monday. DiMaggio\'s sister spoke to him about his beneficiary and he said he wanted the money to go to Hannah, 16, as well as her brother, Ethan Anderson, 8, whom DiMaggio allegedly tortured and killed in his house before setting it on fire, spokesman Andrew Spanswick said. DiMaggio is also accused of killing Christina Anderson, Hannah and Ethan\'s mother, before abducting Hannah. Spanswick said DiMaggio didn\'t want to leave the money to his best friend, Hannah and Ethan\'s father, Brett Anderson, and his wife because he felt they might divorce. DiMaggio was shot and killed Aug. 10 by the FBI in a remote area of Idaho where he was holding Hannah.