A poll of women in New Zealand found that nine out of 10 women would not get cosmetic surgery to combat the signs of old age. The online study of 1,000 women found only one in five said they felt \"sad\" about wrinkles and only a third would consider cosmetic surgery, New Zealand Herald reported Monday. The study, commissioned by skin cream manufacturer Olay and produced by Perceptive Research, found that 25 percent of women said they would be offended if someone asked if they had cosmetic surgery. Yet, while most New Zealand women said they would prefer to age naturally, the survey found that 38 percent said they would consider cosmetic surgery if money was not an issue. \"The survey highlights how appearance can affect a significant proportion of people, which is often unsaid. A majority of women want to age naturally and having effective face creams is an acceptable method,\" said Auckland appearance medicine expert Dr. Garsing Wong. \"Aging gracefully does not mean neglecting yourself.\"