An official in St. Petersburg, Russia, says U.S. pop star Madonna violated a law prohibiting \"homosexual propaganda\" when she encouraged tolerance for gays. The singer told fans at her concert this week homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals and should be treated with dignity, RIA Novosti reported. Vitaly Milonov, a member of the pro-Kremlin United Russia Party and author of the law, said Madonna\'s remarks were inappropriate because they were made in front of minors and violate a law that makes it a crime to \"disseminate homosexual propaganda\" to those under the age of 18, the news agency said. Milonov said video footage shows children, who appear to be as young as 12, at the concert, even though tickets clearly stated those under 18 were not advised to attend the show, RIA Novosti said. Homosexuality wasn\'t decriminalized in Russia until 1993.