A Pakistani man has been accused of kidnapping and strangling Pakistani supermodel Fehmina Chaudhry in Islamabad, police said. The beauty queen, who lived in Singapore, was reported missing Saturday after her mother received a ransom demand via text message. Her body was found at a sewer line on the outskirts of Islamabad Monday, The News International reported. Chaudhry, 27, was married with two children. The British newspaper The Daily Telegraph said the Karachi-born fashion model had been staying at a private guest house in the capital that she was considering buying for her mother when she was kidnapped. Maaz Waqar, the property agent accused of the crime, became friends with Chaudhry in Singapore and wanted to start an advertising and fashion business with her in Pakistan, the News said. The British newspaper The Daily Telegraph said Waqar confessed to the killing and led police to her body. Police recovered a car used in the kidnap-slaying and were looking for an accomplice. Chaudhry was Miss Asian International in 2012.