Interim President Adli Mansour has said women are on top of government priorities over the coming period. In an opening speech of the "Women and Constitution…Future Visions" one-day conference organized by the National Council for Women (NCW), Mansour vowed the state would prioritize the cases of women. The speech was read out by Sakina Fouad, the advisor to the president for Women Affairs. Also, Prime Minister Hazem el-Biblawi has called on women to take part in the political life and to carry on the role they played in the January 25 Revolution and their long history of struggle. The speech of Biblawi was read out by Information Minister Dorreya Sharafeddin. Meantime, president of the NCW Mervat Talawi said the needs of women have been identified through three working groups in the political, economic and social domains. She said the council would ask the interior ministry to provide psychological and social assistance to the victims of violence. The council will also demand the interior ministry to prepare statistics about reports of violence against women. In the evening session, the conferees will prepare a final communiqué pinpointing the demands of women from the government.