Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi

Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi has been scheduked to depart for Myanmar on Sunday evening to talk on humanitarian supports with Myanmars State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

"Following President Joko Widodos instruction and an initial communication with Myanmar authorities, I will depart to the country, while maintaining communication with the National Security Advisor U Thaung Tun, Bangladesh Foreign Affairs Minister Mahmood Ali, as well as the former UN chief and the head of Advisory Commission on Rakhine State, Kofi Annan," Marsudi said in her written statement received by Antara in Jakarta, Sunday.

A regular coordination has played an important role in providing information on the situation in the country. Hence, as the result, the Indonesian government along with international community would decide further actions to help the Myanmar authorities to halt humanitarian crisis in Rakhine state.

Earlier on Aug 31, the minister launched the Humanitarian Assistance for Sustainable Community (HASCO) program for Myanmar as the commitment of the Indonesian Humanity Alliance to Myanmar (AKIM), which is a group of 11 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) aimed at inclusively providing long-and mid-term aids to the community affected in the Rakhine state.

The two million USD program, according to Marsudi, covers four sectors, including education, health, economy, and capacity building.

"The Indonesian government will optimize every available effort in order to ease the humanitarian crisis," she remarked.

Before departing to Myanmar, the minister has actively maintained communication with UN chief Antonio Guterres.

"We agree on the importance of immediately halting the crisis as well as stopping all the cycles of violence. The UN along with the Indonesian government call every warring parties to provide protection for all," she reiterated while adding that the UN chief lauded Indonesian efforts in this matter.

On a separate occasion, Marsudi also noted, that a full assessment at all levels remains important with regard to seeking solutions to the crisis.

"Before offering answers to stop the crisis, we should know how the problem initially emerged and its latter consequences. I also have maintained communication with our counterpart in Bangladesh, mainly in dealing with the refugees. Although we still discuss the details, so far, Bangladesh government has lauded our efforts," Marsudi noted before having a bilateral meeting with Costa Ricas Foreign Affairs Minister Manuel Gonzalez Sans in Jakarta, Sunday.

As the first foreign minister ever allowed to enter Myanmar since the crisis, Marsudi expected her visit to go as planned.

Source: ANTARA