First lady Michelle Obama continued her tour of China Monday with excursions in Xi'an, the site of the Terra Cotta Warriors Museum and the Xi'an City Wall. In China to promote education, the first lady spent time with local students on Monday who gathered at the Wall of the ancient city in Xi'an. In her online travel journal, the first lady wrote that a "group of students from a local school did a double dutch jump rope demonstration (and I couldn't resist -- I kicked off my heels and joined them ... but I only did single rope jumping)." A group of performers drummed and danced for the first lady, who was accompanied by daughters Malia and Sasha and mother Marian Robinson, "and they did a lovely dance number for us (and my daughters and I joined in for some dancing at the end)." The first lady reflected on the significance of Xi'an City Wall in her journal: "As I watched these performances and demonstrations, I was struck by how this wall, which was constructed as a physical blockade, now serves as a symbolic connection between China's past and present. There you stand, on top of a wall that's hundreds of years old -- a wall that has withstood war and famine and the rise and fall of dynasties. Yet when you look down, you realize that below you on both sides lies a city not too different from one you'd see in America -- a city full of cars and bustling commercial districts, but also quiet residential areas." From Xi'an, Michelle Obama will travel with her family to Chengdu.