Shaniya Wendy Jacques-Louis, a 4-year-old girl missing from Miami's Little Haiti neighborhood has been found safe and asking for juice, officials said. The girl went missing Friday under mysterious circumstances and was discovered Sunday in a Little Haiti apartment, the Miami Herald reported. Shaniya was playing on a tricycle outside her home with other children when she disappeared. A strange man was seen in the area shortly before the girl went missing, Miami police spokeswoman Frederica Burden said. At about 5 a.m. Sunday, a driver noticed a man with a little girl, but it was unclear whether it was the same man who allegedly took the girl, Burden said. The driver used her horn to alert a neighbor and together the two confronted the man. The man then told the girl, who was wearing the same clothes she was when she disappeared, to go home, Burden said. The man fled the scene. "It's just fortunate that she was returned alive," said Miami police spokeswoman Frederica Burden, adding that police are now working to figure out what happened. "With a window of time that large it's usually a tragic ending."