An investigation is continuing into the mysterious death of a Sri Lankan woman who suffered burns in her Manama apartment on Thursday. The case is being reviewed by the Public Prosecution amid allegations that a man who lived with her had left the country soon after the incident. She was known to her friends as Achala Dilhani, but the name stated in her passport is Kumari Akmeenana Kumaragi and social workers said she was aged 42. The woman died in her second-floor apartment behind Al Jazira Hotel, but it was still unclear yesterday exactly how she suffered the burns at around 11pm. \"The case is still under investigation and has been forwarded to the prosecution,\" said Sri Lankan honorary consul-general P B Higgoda. \"The woman died because of severe burns on her body, but we have no clue how she got these burns. \"We have launched our own investigation into the case.\" Mr Higgoda said he was now trying to locate the Sri Lankan man, who might be able to shed some light on what happened. \"The woman was working as a caretaker in the cleaning department of a residential building,\" he added. \"We need to confirm the identity of this man and whether he left Bahrain or not. \"She had lived in Bahrain for the past eight years and last went on vacation four months ago. \"We have contacted officials in Colombo to trace her relatives and contact them, but we are unable to confirm if this is a suicide, murder or an accident.\" Social worker Amira Zain Al Abideen, who is now following up the case, told the GDN Ms Kumaragi had changed her name and passport before returning to Bahrain four months ago. \"All her friends and neighbours called her Dilhani,\" she said. \"When I spoke to a friend, she said the woman had gone on vacation and returned with a new identity. \"Everyone called her Dilhani, but I called the Sri Lankan Foreign Affairs Bureau and they confirmed that name wasn\'t registered with them.\" Ms Zain Al Abideen said neighbours had told her a Sri Lankan man who shared the apartment with Ms Kumaragi had not been seen since the incident. \"The woman had told everyone she was an orphan and had no relatives back home,\" she added. Her body was discovered by an Indian man who also lived in the same apartment. Questioned \"I came home after work and found her lying on the ground of the kitchen with severe burns on her body,\" he told the GDN. \"I immediately called police, who arrived at the scene and took the body to the morgue. \"They questioned me and took me to the Naim Police Station, but released me later. \"I gave all the information I could as I am not so close to the couple.\" An Interior Ministry official confirmed the case was under investigation, but declined to comment further.