The 2011 Roland Berger Prize for Human Dignity has been awarded to Mrs. Radhia Nasraoui, lawyer and human rights activist. German President Christian Wulff presented the prize to Mrs. Nasraoui, as well as two other human rights activists from Syria and Egypt, Syrian journalist Mazen Darouiche, founder of the Syrian Organisation for the Freedom of Press, and Egyptian lawyer Jamel Aid of the Arab Network for Human Rights. Mrs. Nasroui, wife of Hamma Hammami, Secretary-General of Tunisian Workers' Communist Party, is an active militant in the human rights field for more than 30 years. She defended several Tunisian political prisoners under the Ben Ali regime and was attacked and harassed on several occasions for her opinions. Roland Berger Stiftung is a German foundation created in 2008 by Roland Berger, emeritus professor of management. The Roland Berger Prize for Human Dignity is an endowment of one million euros. It has been created with a view to promoting peaceful co-operation in the world and supporting individuals and organisations militating in favour of human dignity and human rights.