Killing 3 sons

 An Ohio woman has confessed to killing her three sons, including two infants and a 4-year-old, over the past year because her husband "ignored their daughter", local media reported Wednesday.

According to local TV station WBNS, an affiliate to the U.S. TV network CNN, Brittany Pilkington, arrested on three murder charges Tuesday, had already confessed to killing her three sons because she felt that their father was not paying enough attention to their daughter.

Local authorities did not reveal Pilkington's age, but local media said she is 23.

Pilkington called 911 on Tuesday to report that her 3-month-old baby Noah stopped breathing. After local police officials realized that it was the third time in past 13 months that they had been dispatched to the same address to handle death of young boys, an investigation was launched.

Soon after prosecutors questioned her, said media reports, Pilkington told them that she had suffocated all three boys with a blanket.

Local police officials said the suspect may have committed the crimes out of jealousy after she believed that her husband favored the boys over her and their daughter.