U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, picked up Sarah Palin\'s backing in his primary race against former state Sen. Dan Liljenquist, who is backed by Tea Party groups. Calling Hatch \"Mr. Balanced Budget,\" the former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate acknowledged Tuesday on Fox News\' \"On the Record\" that her endorsement would \"differ from others.\" \"He\'s part of that 1 percent you hear about -- not the 1 percent that\'s mocked and criticized in the press lately, but the 1 percent of national politicians whom I believe should be re-elected, sent to Congress because of his commitment to see a balanced budget in the United States of America,\" Palin said. Hatch wants to apply economic principles of balanced budget and fiscal responsibility, \"and I want to see him re-elected,\" she said.