Animal activists went nearly nude at a protest in front of a Farmer John sausage processing plant near Los Angeles, officials said. Three female People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals activists wearing only their underwear were laid out in human-sized meat trays and then bound in plastic wrap and labeled \"flesh\" in front of the Farmer John plant in Vernon, Calif., the Los Angeles Times reported. Other activists carried signs that read \"Meat is Murder,\" at the Jan. 27 protest. Activists said some workers came out of the plant to watch the protest, but none joined. \"Seeing a human wrapped in cellophane with blood smeared around, it makes people think,\" said Ashley Byrne, manager of campaigns for PETA. \"Of course, it\'s appalling to think about cooking and eating a human being. But animals have the same capacity for pain and suffering as we do. We\'re hoping that this will make people look at flesh in a different way.\" This is not the first time PETA has used nudity to bring awareness to animal rights. Actress Alicia Silverstone and former George Clooney girlfriend Elisabetta Canalis have posed nude for the organization.