The Popular Front, the Union for Tunisia and several members of the civil society met on Sunday at around 11 a.m. at the seat of the workers\' party in Tunis to form a national salvation body tasked with examining the situation in the country and identifying appropriate solutio Hamma Hammami, Spokesman for the Popular Front stressed in a statement to TAP the need to dissolve the National Constituent Assembly (NCA) and remove the government and institutions in place. There is no question that the ruling Troika be part of the solution in the next stage. Hammami said the only alternative to the crisis is the formation of a small government of national salvation responsible for the restoration of civil peace in the country and the organisation of the next elections within six months and whose members will not run for these elections In another connection, the spokesman for the Popular Front said the acts of violence perpetrated on Saturday against demonstrators outside the National Constituent Assembly testifies to the existence of a parallel police playing a \"dangerous role\" in favour of the Ennahdha Movement to perpetuate its rule.  He called on national security unions to ensure the protection of the people rather than political parties. For his part, Executive Committee member of Nidaa Tounes Mohsen Marzouk blamed the crisis in the country to Ennahdha Movement because of the absence of a political will to ensure the success of the democratic transition process. He pointed to the positions taken by Ennahdha, which, he said, incite to violenc The Constituent Assembly cannot continue its works unless it finishes drafting the constitution and sets a date for the next elections within a time not exceeding one month,\" he stressed. In addition to the Popular Front and the Union for Tunisia, the meeting brought together components of the civil society such as \"Kolna Tounes\" Association, the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women, the Doustourna Network and the Union of Unemployed Graduates.