Minister of State for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage Marriyum Aurangzeb.

Minister of State for Information, Broadcasting, National History and Literary Heritage Marriyum Aurangzeb participating in the debate on Kasur incident in the National Assembly Friday said that every eye was shedding tears on the heart-rending incident and unless steps were taken against such happenings by rising above political affiliations it would not be possible to prevent the recurrence of such episodes.
She said that all the major political parties had their governments in the provinces but none of them had made this subject part of the curricula of the schools.
The minister said that subjects concerning such social issues shall have to be made part of the curricula from Class-I to Class X as the social evils like that could not be tackled through only the passage of resolutions. She reiterated that the resolution must also include the need for change in the syllabus in the traditional and non-traditional education.
The minister said that similar changes would also have to be affected in the curricula of the seminaries.Marriyum said that as a mother she condemned that bestiality in the strongest possible terms which had also caused embarrassment for the parliamentarians as Pakistanis.
Marriyum Aurangzeb minister said that it was none of their concern that such incidents also happened in other countries, but their objective was that such incidents should not happen in Pakistan. She said that religious scholars (Ulema) could play very effective role in this regard and they should talk on this subject in their sermons in the mosques.
The minister said that it was good that media accorded coverage to the incident, but it was also important to remove the ambience of fear and anxiety within the society.The minister said that apart from change in the education system, legal system should also be reviewed.
She said that persons committing such heinous crimes should be awarded harshest possible and exemplary punishment adding that the Punjab government and police were taking all necessary steps for immediate arrest of the culprit.
She said that all the people would have to realize their responsibility in this regard in their individual capacity. The minister also urged all the political parties to make this subject part of their manifestos at the constituency level.

Source: APP