Their Royal Highnesses Princess Ghida Talal, chairperson of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) board of trustees, and Princess Dina Mired, director general of KHCF, on Tuesday attended an event for the Global Health Community with Lance Armstrong. Hosted by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the event screened a LIVESTRONG short film by the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) titled, “Delivering Hope: Cancer Care in the Developing World”, which captures the personal stories of three cancer survivors from different corners of the world - Jordan, Rwanda and Mexico. The movie reveals that quality comprehensive cancer care is possible, even in areas of limited resources, according to a KHCF statement. During the meeting, Armstrong said the LIVESTRONG team visited Jordan to produce the film and met with cancer survivors and patients at the King Hussein Cancer Centre (KHCC), where they witnessed first-hand the life-saving work being done at KHCF and KHCC. Princess Ghida thanked Armstrong and his team for creating the film. “KHCF and KHCC are a prime example that quality comprehensive cancer care is possible in low- to middle-income countries like Jordan. We are very proud to be part of this short film which is truly an inspirational documentary,” the statement quoted her as saying. Princess Dina also thanked LAF and other cancer organisations. “We all know that most countries cannot manage their own cancer burden, and that is why global support for cancer is crucial. We could not have achieved our success at KHCF and KHCC without the support of our international partners.” Princess Ghida and Princess Dina also attended the Clinton Global Initiative.