Hanaa Shalabi is no longer able to move or walk after 33 days of hunger strike against her administrative detention in an Israeli prison, her lawyer Raed Mahameed said Monday. Shalabi began her hunger strike in objection to her administrative detention. Shalabi was some released four months ago as part of the prisoner exchange deal concluded by Hamas and the Israeli government. However the occupation forces renewed her arrest in violation to the deal struck with Hamas under the patronage of Egypt. Shalabi was first incarcerated two and a half years ago. Mahameed said that he was not able to meet with his client because she was not able to \"walk or move,\" a prison guard told him. The guard added that Shalabi\'s condition was critical, according to Mahameed. Inspired by the Khedr Adnan, who went on a 67-day hunger strike in protest to his administrative detention before being released, Shalabi decided to go on her own hunger strike. Despite her deteriorating health, Shalabi stopped using salt and is now living only on water. More than 20000 Palestinians, including women, children and Members of Parliament, are currently in Israeli prisons with no charges.